Monday, November 24, 2008
Good Book Recommendations Anyone?
I had a little bit of spotting yesterday while at work so called my doctor to be on the safe side. They had me head over to the childbirth center and put me on a contraction monitor. A few contractions were detected, they said they were not long contractions but more of an "irritable uterus". Because of this they ordered an ultrasound and found that although my cervix is still long and closed (4-6cm which is a good length) when I had the contractions the cervix on the babies side had "funneling" which went away after the contraction was over. When this happens it looks just like a little funnel at the top of the closed cervix and can mean that the cervix is starting to soften. They didn't find any fluid or blood though so no answer as to what caused the spotting, which has not happened again (big relief!) We had to stay the night at the hospital where they monitored my contractions and started me on medication to stop them, and IV fluids. On the up side the babies are doing wonderful. Their heartbeats were around 150-160 all night, they are ahead of schedule for growth (I am 22 weeks but they are measuring approx. 23 1/2 weeks each), and they already weigh 1 1/2 lbs. a peice. The boys are even starting to look like they've got some meat on their bones in the ultrasound pictures. So, I have been put on bedrest and have to take Nifedipine pills to keep my uterus calm. Nifedipine is usually used as heart medication, but I guess works on all smooth muscle heart or uterus. I am really bummed that we have to cancel our trip to Idaho for the holidays as I was really looking forward to seeing all our family and friends, but of course keeping the babies healthy and in the oven is our first priority. Our next milestone is 32 weeks, if I go into labor prior to that we will have to be flown out to San Francisco as they have a higher level NICU, but we really hope to make it all the way to 37 weeks as every week counts. One benefit of lying around so much is that is when the boys really move which is reassuring and amazing.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Beginning of Week 22
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bouncing Baby Boys
We saw the babies move from the outside for the first time last night. We were getting ready for bed and they were moving a lot so we started watching the belly and could see their little movements. It's amazing how quickly things have progressed from being unsure whether I was feeling them to being able to see them. It's so exciting and reassuring to see and feel their little kicks, and wonderful to be able to share more of the experience with Joel.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Johnson Twins 18 Week Ultrasound-Brothers!!!!
We had our "big" ultrasound today. Two boys!!! They evaluated all of their organs, growth, etc. and they are both healthy and active. Both their heartbeats were in the 160s (I think 160 and 164). They are just adorable and we fall more in love with them everyday.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
For Grandma
Meeting Dr. Stokes/Beginning of Week 17

We had a doctor's appointment yesterday where we met Dr. Stokes. He is the doctor in the practice who handles high risk pregnancy so we will be seeing him exclusively from here on out. So far I really like him, he is patient and answers all our questions, and seems very knowledgeable. Unfortunately my most recent lab work showed some slight hypothyroidism so I had to start taking some thyroid medication today, but on the up side he said this should give me more energy and lower certain risks for the babes. After a lot searching he was only able to find one heartbeat on the doppler, but said this is common as twins are so close together. The heartbeat was 158 beats/min. We have an ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday so we will get to see them both in just a few days and maybe even find out the sex!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Yogi Babies
We started our prenatal yoga today, holy pretzel mamas. My teacher is a mom, doula, and does hypnobirths, so I feel like the babes and I are in good hands. One of my classmates is due the day after me and another has a set of two year old twins, so I'm making some good connections!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
14 Week Ultrasound Peek!!!
Baby A (head to the left) was a bit more shy than baby B (head to the right). I couldn't believe how much they're dancing around in there. I think I've been feeling them a little bit, but it's hard to tell at this point. I could watch this vid all day, they're so cute!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
The First Twelve Weeks
Yeah 12 weeks!!! We are so excited to have made it to this first milestone in the pregnancy. Having made it this far the twins have a very good chance of going full term. I found out I was pregnant on July 15th, the day before our third wedding anniversary. As difficult as it was, I kept this to myself for a whole day so I could make our anniversary a little more special. I put a baby onesie in with Joel's anniversary gift, he was surprised and excited.
Around the first week of August (when I was 7 weeks) we had a scare when I started having a little bit of spotting. I of course did my internet research and found that this is pretty common in the first trimester, but when it lasted for a few days I decided to visit the ER as I had convinced myself of the worst. After three hours in the waiting room we saw the ER doctor who ordered an ultrasound. I was so relieved when the ultrasound tech showed us the heartbeat on the first baby. Then completely shocked when she showed us the heartbeat on the SECOND baby! I think Joel's response was something like, "you're f#@%$#* kidding me right?" Turns out the spotting was from what is called a subchorionic bleed which is little collection of implantation blood that has since resolved itself (more common with twins). Their heartbeats at the time of the ultrasound were 147 and 167.
After the initial shock wore off we quickly adjusted to the thought of two for one babies, and in fact are feeling pretty excited about it! Being so early we had planned to only tell family and selected close friends, but we had a hard time containing the happy news! I think daddy was making more calls than me (so sweet).
We had a second follow up ultrasound at 10 weeks (the youtube video is on the blog) which was amazing. During our 7 week ER visit the Dr. had told us that sometimes when they find twins that early one of them can disappear. Already in love with them both, we were happy to discover there were still two peas in the pod. They looked so much more like little babies and were even moving hands and feet. We again got to see the heartbeats which were 175 beats per minute for each of them.
For the most part the pregnancy has not been too taxing on mama. It's incredible how big the baby bump already is. I can no longer button my big pants and started on maternity pants at about ten weeks. I have had a little bit of nausea, difficulty eating, and have been needing lots of extra sleep, but I am keeping in mind always how worth it it will all be! Joel has been a tremendous amount of help picking up slack for, and taking good care of this tired mama. I couldn't ask for a better hubby!
All in all the first twelve weeks have been pretty exciting and we couldn't be happier.
Around the first week of August (when I was 7 weeks) we had a scare when I started having a little bit of spotting. I of course did my internet research and found that this is pretty common in the first trimester, but when it lasted for a few days I decided to visit the ER as I had convinced myself of the worst. After three hours in the waiting room we saw the ER doctor who ordered an ultrasound. I was so relieved when the ultrasound tech showed us the heartbeat on the first baby. Then completely shocked when she showed us the heartbeat on the SECOND baby! I think Joel's response was something like, "you're f#@%$#* kidding me right?" Turns out the spotting was from what is called a subchorionic bleed which is little collection of implantation blood that has since resolved itself (more common with twins). Their heartbeats at the time of the ultrasound were 147 and 167.
After the initial shock wore off we quickly adjusted to the thought of two for one babies, and in fact are feeling pretty excited about it! Being so early we had planned to only tell family and selected close friends, but we had a hard time containing the happy news! I think daddy was making more calls than me (so sweet).
We had a second follow up ultrasound at 10 weeks (the youtube video is on the blog) which was amazing. During our 7 week ER visit the Dr. had told us that sometimes when they find twins that early one of them can disappear. Already in love with them both, we were happy to discover there were still two peas in the pod. They looked so much more like little babies and were even moving hands and feet. We again got to see the heartbeats which were 175 beats per minute for each of them.
For the most part the pregnancy has not been too taxing on mama. It's incredible how big the baby bump already is. I can no longer button my big pants and started on maternity pants at about ten weeks. I have had a little bit of nausea, difficulty eating, and have been needing lots of extra sleep, but I am keeping in mind always how worth it it will all be! Joel has been a tremendous amount of help picking up slack for, and taking good care of this tired mama. I couldn't ask for a better hubby!
All in all the first twelve weeks have been pretty exciting and we couldn't be happier.
Two Heartbeats At Twelve Weeks!!!!
We had our twelve week Drs. appointment on Thursday the 11th. Ginger, one of the midwives found both heartbeats. They were approx. 136 and 146 which she says is good. Unfortunately I haven't gained any weight yet, but my appetite seems to be returning so I am hoping to catch up quickly!
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