Keeping up with Magnus


Keeping up with Kai


Monday, November 24, 2008

Good Book Recommendations Anyone?

I had a little bit of spotting yesterday while at work so called my doctor to be on the safe side. They had me head over to the childbirth center and put me on a contraction monitor. A few contractions were detected, they said they were not long contractions but more of an "irritable uterus". Because of this they ordered an ultrasound and found that although my cervix is still long and closed (4-6cm which is a good length) when I had the contractions the cervix on the babies side had "funneling" which went away after the contraction was over. When this happens it looks just like a little funnel at the top of the closed cervix and can mean that the cervix is starting to soften. They didn't find any fluid or blood though so no answer as to what caused the spotting, which has not happened again (big relief!) We had to stay the night at the hospital where they monitored my contractions and started me on medication to stop them, and IV fluids. On the up side the babies are doing wonderful. Their heartbeats were around 150-160 all night, they are ahead of schedule for growth (I am 22 weeks but they are measuring approx. 23 1/2 weeks each), and they already weigh 1 1/2 lbs. a peice. The boys are even starting to look like they've got some meat on their bones in the ultrasound pictures. So, I have been put on bedrest and have to take Nifedipine pills to keep my uterus calm. Nifedipine is usually used as heart medication, but I guess works on all smooth muscle heart or uterus. I am really bummed that we have to cancel our trip to Idaho for the holidays as I was really looking forward to seeing all our family and friends, but of course keeping the babies healthy and in the oven is our first priority. Our next milestone is 32 weeks, if I go into labor prior to that we will have to be flown out to San Francisco as they have a higher level NICU, but we really hope to make it all the way to 37 weeks as every week counts. One benefit of lying around so much is that is when the boys really move which is reassuring and amazing.

1 comment:

Melt Momma's Heart said...

Jewels, Again, hang in there. And, you're right...every week counts! Not to be pessimistic, but I just wanted to tell you not to take too much comfort in the ultrasound's measurements. My ultrasounds regularly (I was having them bi-weekly by the end) said my kiddos were each five pounds.... Well, Cyp was 4.1 and Salem was 3.1. So, what I'm telling you is, eat lots of ice cream and whole fat dairy foods and nuts.... Fatten em up! One of my favorite books of all time is The Red Tent. Also, get The Blue Jay's Dance: A Birth Year as soon as you can get your hands on it. As a pg momma, you will dig it. And, another good one: Because I Said So: 33 Mothers Talk About...